Stop Product Giveaway.
3x less product giveaway using a low dust-emission bagging process
98% uptime at maximum output rates
0 risk for operator's safety in low dust environment
© 2020 Premier Tech
Stop Product Giveaway.
Fewer mechanical components mean less frequent down time and superior reliability
Case : Up to 200 units / minute
Bag : Up to 40 bags / minute
Various grippers give the robot great versatility. The different end-effectors available can adapt to almost every need.
© 2020 Premier Tech
Allow us to introduce the newest addition to our family of innovation.
Combustible dusts
Lowest dust emission
Meet milling capacity
New technology for optimal output
Food safety requirements
Completely enclosed and hygienic
The PTF Bagging System
What the PTF can do
The newest addition to our family of Innovation
Filling fluctuations
Accurate product dosing
25 kg
20 kg
15 kg
10 kg
The PTF Open-Mouth Bagger is a double spout automatic system designed for quick and accurate dosing of powders including a dust control system providing great cleanliness.
Bags we handle
6,000,000 filled bags / year*
600,000 kg product savings**
€ 150,000 savings on product waste***
Product savings with the PTF bagging system per year
How much product are you losing?
600 more filled pallets****
* 24/7h bagging on 250 days per year with 1.000 bags/h at 25kg
** Because of a better accuracy of up to 100 Grams per 25kg bag
*** Assuming product costs of € 0,25 / kg
**** Means 24,000 filled bags with 40 filled bags per pallet
What do you need?
Watch the PTF in action
Watch the PTF in action
North Dakota Mill Case Study
Stop Product Giveaway.
3x less product giveaway using a low dust-emission bagging process
98% uptime at maximum output rates
0 risk for operator's safety in low dust environment
Stop Product Giveaway.
Allow us to introduce the newest addition to our family of innovation.
The newest addition to our family of Innovation
3x less product giveaway using a dust-free bagging process
98% uptime at maximum output rates
0 risk for operator's safety in low dust environment
The PTF Bagging System
The PTF Open-Mouth Bagger is a double spout automatic system designed for quick and accurate dosing of powders including a dust control system providing great cleanliness.
Watch the PTF in action
North Dakota Mill Case Study
Watch the PTF in action
North Dakota Mill Case Study
6,000,000 bags / year
1,020,000 kg in product loss / year*
€ 408,000 lost / year**
*Bagging line with +/- 0.17 kg accuracy
** Assuming product cost is € 0.40 / kg
You produce and give out 52 dry van trailers / year
What do you need?
© 2020 Premier Tech
© 2020 Premier Tech
How much product are you losing?
600 more filled pallets****
6,000,000 filled bags / year*
600,000 kg product savings **
€ 150,000 savings on product waste***
* 24/7h bagging on 250 days per year with 1.000 bags/h at 25kg
** Because of a better accuracy of up to 100 Grams per 25kg bag
*** Assuming product costs of € 0,25 / kg
**** Means 24,000 filled bags with 40 filled bags per pallet
Product savings with the PTF bagging system per year
Combustible dusts
Meet milling capacity
25 kg
20 kg
15 kg
10 kg
Bags we handle
Food safety requirements
Filling fluctuations
What the PTF can do
Lowest dust emission
New technology for optimal output
Completely enclosed and hygienic
Accurate product dosing